About HL7 India

HL7 Healthcare Standard Institute (HL7 India)

It is an independent, non-profit-distributing, membership based organization that exists to encourage the adoption of standards for healthcare information communication within India.

The objective of HL7 India is to support the development, promotion and implementation of HL7 standards and specifications in a way which addresses the concerns of healthcare organizations, health professionals and healthcare software suppliers in India.

HL7 India is the accredited International Affiliate of Health Level Seven International (HL7 International) for India. HL7 India shall seek to retain this affiliation or a similar formal status in relation to the wider HL7 community subject to agreement by the membership of HL7 India. The rules and obligations applicable to International Affiliates shall be deemed to apply to HL7 India except where such rules directly conflict with the bylaws of HL7 India or with legal regulations within India.


Mailing address: HL7 India Standards Institute #429, 1st Floor, 2nd Cross, Krishna Temple Road,
Indiranagar,Bangalore – 560 038
[email protected]

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