Membership shall be available on an annual basis to
individuals, companies, public bodies and other entities active, interested, and/or materially
affected by specifications in the field of health data acquisition, handling, communication, and
processing. Membership of HL7 India shall not be conditional on membership in any other organization
or unreasonably restricted on basis of technical qualifications or other such requirements.
Members can avail double benefit i.e discounted Price on
e-Learning and Certification. For example, Certification costs for NON-MEMBERS is USD 349
and for MEMBERS it is USD 199 ONLY.
Individual membership
A person can become an Individual Member of HL7 India in order to represent
his/her own personal interests.
Individual membership shall be made available to any eligible individual on an
equitable basis subject to payment of Membership fee by way of a NEFT.
New Membership Fee : Rs.5,000.00 + 18.00% GST = Rs.5,900.00/-
Note : Any renewal after discontinuation of continuous membership will be
treated as new application.
Student membership (New) – [FULL TIME STUDENTS]
New Membership for students has been introduced from 01-May-2014.
All Students who are currently studying can apply for this membership. Special discount is
offered by HL7 India to students.
Student membership shall be made available to any eligible Student on an equitable
basis subjected to Valid ID card plus a Letter from institute and payment of Rs 1,888.00
(Inclusive of GST) by way of a NEFT.
Attendance rights or discounted prices for members in relation to any product
or service shall apply only to the individual member and not to any product or proxy.
Individual membership confers a right to vote in any HL7 India ballot in
accordance with the applicable balloting rules.
HL7 reserves the right to decline membership or its services if found illegitimate.
The benefits and responsibilities of individual members are personal, strictly non transferable and governed by HL7 India policy manual.
All individuals in India who are currently the members of HL7 International are automatically entitled to be individual members of HL7 India with all the benefits, duties, responsibilities and rights associated with Individual membership in India including the right to vote in HL7 India ballot and the right to serve as Officers and Governing Council members of HL7 India. This membership is valid till the end of their Individual membership with HL7 International.